Sunday, October 19, 2008


Completely missed out on the month of September! Another year older, not necessarily wiser. Nothing spectacular happened, that warranted a blog entry, and I haven't worked on any fractals recently either. However, Apophysis 2.08 beta 2 was quietly released, so I will be playing with that to see what I can come up with.

I added a link to my favorites (Check It Out) list, for Lunch In A Box, an absolutely wonderful blog/site written by a SF Bay area mom. It's all about bentos, as well as preparations and recipes. I've always loved bentos, but despite the fact that mom was Japanese, I never had them prepared for me as a child. Growing up in Hawaii, I did buy the occasional Zippy's Zip Pac...and even had the opportunity to have authentic bentos while traveling through Japan in the early 80s. Thanks to Biggie at Lunch In A Box, I've decided to get into making bentos. Of course this means being stocked with proper supplies! mwaahaha! I love shopping so... I've already found some great bento boxes and supplies during my trip to Hawaii, and more recently on my trip to Beaverton's Uwajimaya asian market. Because of my odd-ball rotating shift work schedule, I probably won't be taking a bento lunch to every shift, but it will be a (good) challenge to keep on it as often as possible. Plus the portion control will be a tremendous as well as financially. :)