Sunday, March 18, 2007

err...let's try this again

Nothing like experimenting with a new blog...then forgetting about it. I suppose I wasn't in the right mindset when I started this...but, now that I've rescued this from the depths of Blogger, I'll try to be better. I promise. I hope.

My life isn't exciting or interesting enough to warrant filling these pages with readable material, at least nothing fit for the average joe's consumption. However, fractals have always been one of my favorite forms of expression. Each one is different, unique unto itself, like fragments of thoughts and ideas. Fractals appear in many forms in our daily lives, and in nature itself. They are classified by various types such as Mandelbrot, Julia, and Iterated Function System (IFS).

I find flames, and their creation, to be unpredictable, but in a pleasant way. Math has never been my forte, however working with the program Apophysis helps me to appreciate its capabilities. There seems to be an almost therapeutic value to flame creation...a Zen of mathematics, art, and nature. Anyone can do it, given the proper tools and an open mind. It is, after all, what you make of it.

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